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How to Create Impactful Holiday Direct Mail [Infographic] UPDATED

How to Create Impactful Holiday Direct Mail [Infographic]

This blog has been updated from the original version first posted on November 17, 2017. Scroll down to read the original. 

Given that consumers are known for spending over a trillion dollars during the holiday season, this is always a great time for businesses to boost their revenue streams. A time in which most people are looking for gift ideas for various members of their social circles, the holiday season is prime time for driving sales and finishing their fourth quarter strong. One method of doing so is by creating a holiday direct mail campaign.

Although fighting for your customer’s attention can be difficult, it doesn’t have to be. It simply takes some creativity and effort. Companies must be sure to reach out to customers and potential customers with as many touches as possible to convert them into a sale. This makes mixing digital and direct mail extremely important. For example, uploading your direct mail list to Facebook to find matching accounts and then sharing a similar message across both channels, can be an effective conversion tool.

holiday direct mail marketing campaigns

Tips for creating a direct mail marketing campaign

Creating a successful direct mail campaign can be one of the best methods of engaging with potential and existing customers. It allows them to have more ways to engage with your brand, while also letting them know more about what you have to offer, as well as how you can help them to have a jollier and more magical holiday season. Luckily, creating the right direct mail campaign will allow your company to stand out from the rest of the mail customers receive every day during the holiday season. With that in mind, here are a few direct mail marketing ideas to make that happen:

  • Offering coupons and discounts: One of the top ways to create a direct mail campaign for the holidays is to offer discounts and coupons. For instance, if you do not have any products to sell, it may be a good idea to offer discounted gift cards. This will allow your company to bring in extra revenue for the holidays without offering a tangible product. Either way, these coupons and discounts can be promoted via direct mail.
  • Send a card: Another great method of getting your customer’s attention during the holiday season is by sending them a card for the holidays. By sending them a holiday-themed card that includes a special code or discount inside, you will not only grab their attention and make them feel more connected to your company but also make them more likely to use the coupon or discount later.
  • Prepare for post-holiday: Additionally, many companies discount the amount of money that can be made right after the holidays. Given that many have received money and gift cards for the holidays, sending direct mail pieces about post-holiday sales is another great way to boost your revenue.


  • Customers spend over a trillion dollars during the holiday season.
  • The holiday season is a perfect time to send out direct mail campaigns to boost your sales.
  • Some tips for boosting sales are to offer coupons, send holiday cards, and more.

If you are interested in creating a direct mail campaign, your friends at Ballantine are here to help. With a five-decade track record of helping our clients achieve their holiday marketing goals, we are always ready and willing to assist you. If you are seeking to create a superior-quality direct mail marketing campaign, please contact us today to discuss your options and get the snowball rolling on securing record-level holiday sales.

Original Post November 17, 2017

Over $1 trillion dollars is spent by consumers on the holidays. People view the season as a fantastic time to give gifts, which means that brands have the chance to boost the end of year sales and make sure that their fourth quarter ends strongly. Creating an impactful direct mail campaign and incorporating a valuable direct mail marketing tip can be a fantastic way to engage people with your brand, let them know what you have to offer, and how you can help them have the holiday season they hope for. The right direct mail campaign will stand out from the rest of the mail that customers receive every day while encouraging them to try your business. Here are a few direct mail marketing ideas to make that happen.

How to Create Impactful Holiday Direct Mail [Infographic]

For brands interested in taking advantage of the holiday season rush, it is important to start planning now. The best direct mail cards will be the ones that create a strong value proposition for the customer and let them know why your business, as opposed to your competitors, will be the one that can help them solve their pain points. Selecting even just one holiday marketing tip from this list can help you get your direct mail campaign off the ground for this season and create your best holiday marketing plan yet. If you want to get started creating a superior holiday marketing direct mail plan, we invite you to reach out and contact Ballantine. We have helped customers reach their marketing goals for over 5 decades and we can help you achieve the optimal holiday season.






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I'm the Director of Digital Services and Partner at Ballantine, a family-owned and operated direct mail & digital marketing company based in New Jersey. and started in 1966 by my great uncle!