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Direct mail frequency

The Business of Staying Top-of-Mind: Perfecting Your Direct Mail Frequency

As a business owner, navigating the complexities of marketing can be challenging. Yet, amidst the plethora of digital strategies, there lies the often-underestimated potential of direct mail. Ensuring the right frequency and timing of your direct mail campaigns is paramount. Let’s delve deep to fine-tune your approach. Clarify Your Business Goals Every successful marketing endeavor […]

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The Power of Print Media and Navigating USPS Price Changes in 2024

In today’s digital age, there’s something wonderfully personal about receiving physical mail. In fact, 75% of recipients treasure that feeling of specialness when they find a well-designed piece of print media from their favorite brand in their mailbox.  USPS marketing mail offers businesses an exciting avenue to connect with their audiences in this tactile manner. […]

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Woman writing direct mail

Stand Out with These Highly Personalized ABM Direct Mail Ideas

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a highly targeted approach that B2B marketers use to engage with specific accounts and decision makers. In this blog, we will explore some ABM direct mail ideas that can help you stand out from the competition and increase your response rates. Mail Strategy ABM direct mail requires a highly personalized approach. […]

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Direct Mail Unleashed: Your Secret Weapon for Customer Retention

Imagine elevating your customer retention rates to a whole new level, all with the power of direct mail! This engaging read dives into how you can fuse this classic marketing strategy with modern insights to not just retain your existing customers but transform them into a tribe of loyal followers. Get ready to redefine customer […]

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Direct Mail in the Digital Era: A Modern Twist on Traditional Marketing

Steeped in tradition yet agile in adaptation, the direct mail industry is proving that it’s more than just a relic of the past. It’s an industry that’s dynamically evolving, redefining its strategies and capabilities to fit snugly within the ever-changing landscape of the digital age. The transformation is captivating—a blend of the tactile, personal appeal […]

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Why Direct Mail Marketing Still Works for Tourism and Travel

Why Direct Mail Marketing Works for Tourism and Travel

Direct mail is no longer the mass marketing tool it once was. It’s better than ever now, for a number of reasons. The immediacy and tangible existence of postal mail means it almost demands to be dealt with. Roughly 80 percent of people scan or read their print marketing mail daily, according to a USPS […]

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Direct Mail Fundraising: The Secret to Maximizing Donations in 2023

Direct mail marketing has numerous benefits that make it a powerful tool for businesses. One of the main advantages is its ability to reach a highly targeted audience. By carefully selecting a mailing list, businesses can ensure that their message is delivered directly to individuals who are most likely to be interested in their products […]

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