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Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

How to Build Bulk Email Lists

Industry Email Lists & How To Build Them Most marketers will tell you that the most valuable marketing tool is “The List”. A mass email list is a database of people and information about those people; they could be customers, leads, or random people who tangentially might be interested in a product. Bulk email lists are […]

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Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

Diversity in Direct Marketing Strategies

The Print Industries Market Information and Research Organization (PRIMIR) has recently released a study that examines how direct marketing and in particular how printed direct marketing channels are performing in comparison with other more “high-tech” marketing options, such as email and social networking. The study notes that “direct marketing’s share of advertising expenditures has shown […]

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Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

Making the Most of Permission Email Marketing

Email marketing is an integral part of many marketing campaigns today.  It’s inexpensive to produce and you can reach a large group of people quickly.  However, due to the volume of email that people receive, many are becoming numb to or irritated by unsolicited email. In an article on Gannett’s Cincinnati.com website, it’s stated perfectly, […]

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Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

Increase your Direct Mail ROI with Variable Data Printing

One of the benefits of email marketing that companies have leveraged is the ability to customize each email to the recipient based on specific customer information. This goes far beyond just addressing the email to Mr. Joe Smith; content can be customized based on the recipient’s demographic and purchasing history. However, these customization benefits are […]

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Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

Sheetfed Offset Printing Explained

Sheetfed Offset Printing For Your Business Three common printing methods are sheetfed offset, web offset and digital printing. Today’s post is going to discuss sheetfed offset printing.   It depends on the size of the piece being printed, but a general guideline to follow is: Digital Printing – best for short run projects. Sheetfed Printing […]

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Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

The Potential Problem With Fugitive Glue

Today’s post is going to highlight a potential problem with fugitive glue that you should be aware of. First off, fugitive glue are drops of glue that are placed on a self-mailer to keep it closed. So for example, if you’re mailing a double postcard, you could apply fugitive glue to keep the 2 postcard panels closed […]

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Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

The Benefits of Commingling Your Direct Mail

What is commingling and why should you be using it? Commingling has been around for many years and until now was mainly used as a way for smaller mailers to presort their mail. The reason for its increased popularity is due to the recent rate changes for BMC and SCF discounts. As a result, it’s […]

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Print Outsourcing vs. In-House Printing

Print Outsourcing vs. In-House Printing

Note: with marketing budgets being slashed due to the economy, more and more companies are looking to outsource their print production to a company like us (Ballantine). We noticed a surge in traffic to our blog using outsource-related terms. As a result, we updated the post below with additional info (11/3/08). ### There was an […]

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