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Increase the Effectiveness of Your Message with Targeted Email Lists

Advantages Of Direct Mail Marketing

Targeted Email ListsWhile occasionally you do want to send a common email to your entire distribution list, sending specific messages to targeted email lists can be more effective because each of your prospects are seeing the most relevant messages, and messages they are most likely to respond to.

A great tactic to add to your marketing campaign is targeted email lists, which segments your contacts into specific categories.  Better response rates lead to increased conversion rates, which is the ultimate goal of any marketing campaign.  As explained by Ina Steiner, co-founder and Editor of EcommerceBytes, “Segmenting email contacts vastly improves the ability to target your message, which helps improve the open-rate and click-throughs on links in your email. Over the long-term, it increases personalized rapport and long-lasting, profitable relationships with customers.”

Email lists can be filtered along pretty much any category, such as:

  • Demographics – if your product or service offerings can be separated demographically, such as by industry, location, economic status, gender or age, you can create targeted email lists for your relevant demographics.
  • Previous Purchases – You can build an email list of customers that have purchased a specific product to alert them to updates on the product, or to upsell the customer to another product.
  • Documented Interests – If a customer has shown interested in a certain product or services by requesting information, attending a webinar, or downloading a white paper, you can send them a targeted email to let them know about products related to those information products.

The most effective categories for targeted email lists for your business will depend on your specific company products and/or services, and other variables.  Emily Keye, Marketing Strategist for Bronto Software adds, “You won’t have the best offer for every subscriber every time, but the more frequently you reach consumers with deals matched to their interests and preferences, the more you’ll set yourself apart and be remembered as the company that ‘knows what I like’.”

Image – © fuzzbones – Fotolia.com


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I'm the Director of Digital Services and Partner at Ballantine, a family-owned and operated direct mail & digital marketing company based in New Jersey. and started in 1966 by my great uncle!