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Benefits of Changing Formats for Your Direct Mail Packages

Direct Mail Benefits

For those who are yet unfamiliar, direct mail packages are marketing materials that are sent to potential and existing clients. These are some of the most flexible methods of marketing, as they come in all shapes and sizes. Two common direct mail designs are either a self-mailer format such as a postcard and direct mail package, which includes an envelope, brochure, letter, and in some cases, a response device. As with most methods of marketing, direct mail is also subject to changes as the world of marketing continues to transform. With that in mind, the following is a closer look at the benefits of changing formats for your direct mail campaigns.

Doing What Works

One of the top benefits of direct mail advertising is that when changing formats there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all marketing method. In other words, the most effective direct mail format is the one that works best for your company. Despite the fact that your present direct mail package format may be working well for you, this does not mean that taking the time to make a few tweaks won’t yield better results. Nevertheless, if your mail quantities are not large enough, it will be difficult to test which direct mail format is working best for you. Direct mail marketing can, in some cases, have a lower response rate making your test results at lower quantities difficult to measure the success. Direct Mail Benefits

Creative Freedom

Another major direct mail benefit of changing your package format is that it allows companies to be creative. If you have a company that regularly sends out thousands of direct mail packages, you will be able to create a wide variety of direct mail designs, in order to truly figure out what resonates with your target customer. Over time, you will develop your own brand of successful direct mail campaigns.

Inexpensive Market Research

Given that tried and tested direct mail packages already exist, this makes creating your own direct mail advertising campaigns much more cost-effective. In other words, by taking the cues from existing direct mail marketing packages and simply adding in your own changes to make them more effective for your own customer base, you can create your own personalized direct mail packages without having to spend an excessive amount of time, money or effort to do so.

Eliminate Customer Fatigue

Lastly, one of the greatest benefits of changing your direct mail design formats is that you will be eliminating customer fatigue. No matter how many mailing lists you may have or how extensive your mailing lists may be, you will undoubtedly be sending direct mail packages to the same list of people. If you fail to switch up the contents of your direct mail packages, your customers will eventually become bored with your packages and stop opening them altogether.Direct Mail Benefits

Key Takeaways

  • Direct mail marketing is a tried and tested marketing method that is predictable and can yield positive results and an increased return on investment.
  • If you want to create the most effective direct mail packages, you need to take the time to experiment and find what works best for your company or organization.
  • Changing up your direct mail packages can be an inexpensive way of conducting research and can also keep your customers interested.

Direct Mail Services

If you are interested in using direct mail marketing, you’re in luck! Recent studies have shown that the importance of direct mail is still relevant in the marketing world. In order to use it effectively, you must take the time to make tweaks and changes that allow you to figure out which formats work best for your company and brand. If you find yourself needing guidance when creating a direct mail campaign, feel free to contact our expert team here at Ballantine.

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I'm the Director of Digital Services and Partner at Ballantine, a family-owned and operated direct mail & digital marketing company based in New Jersey. and started in 1966 by my great uncle!