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Print Portal Capabilities for the Travel Industry

What is a Print Portal?

A print portal is a dedicated website that printers set up for clients to access and make their online purchases by themselves without interaction from the actual platform. This is very similar to printing options available in B2C where customers can upload photos and pick them up when they are ready. 

How is a Print Portal useful?

A print portal is a robust and interactive tool, providing more print marketing capabilities. The ideal use of a print portal would be to upload approved artwork templates in a variety of formats, brochures, postcards, flyers etc for each user to customize. That customization can be either utilizing a mailing list or user inputted information like a travel agent’s contact information and logo. 

How does a Print Portal work?

The next step in the process is to preview what each recipient will be receiving. Based on the number of names that are uploaded to the system, this will determine how many pieces you send out. After previewing a PDF, you will be prompted to click “go.” 

At that point, the file is created as a print-ready PDF file that is sent out to the production floor. It is sent to the digital equipment, the pieces are printed, finished, and mailed. This entire system is built to be very intuitive, efficient and user-friendly. Clients appreciate this because it allows them to create exactly what they want without getting too frustrated with difficult software. Additionally, this brings down the total cost because it is less work for the shop. 

Industries Benefiting from Print Portals

This process is most popular in the hospitality and tourism sector, especially the restaurant business. If they need to print a menu with a new special or a new item, it will all be done internally and simply. In a corporate environment, it’s also incredibly helpful because many people no longer hand out business cards, but if there is an off chance that someone is attending a trade show or networking event, a print portal will make it easy to quickly get about 100 business cards printed for that particular event.


Travel and Tourism Marketing and Print Portals

Working in the travel industry space, we have seen travel agents greatly benefit from print portals. Travel agents can go into the specific cruise line’s portal. They’ll enter their travel agency’s name and have a selection of different artwork that can be used for their custom travel brochure printing. 

The owner of the travel agency can select the number of pieces sent to their clients for a Caribbean cruise. They’ll simply select the Caribbean artwork, merge it with the existing mail file and then send everything out once again and select your postage, although it is typically first class postage as that is the most inexpensive option. Users can see exactly what they’re spending in one location. 

Key Takeaways

  • A print portal is a dedicated website that printers set up for clients to access and make their online purchases by themselves
  • Print portals are mostly popular in the hospitality and tourism sector. 
  • By using this portal, travel agencies have access to all the assets they need. 

Need More Help?

The experts at Ballantine have years of experience in the travel industry and operating print portals. By working with a direct mail marketing agency, you will be ahead of trends before your competitors. Contact us today for a quote and more information.

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I'm the Director of Digital Services and Partner at Ballantine, a family-owned and operated direct mail & digital marketing company based in New Jersey. and started in 1966 by my great uncle!