How much does direct mail cost?
Direct Mail: A Personal Way to Send Your Marketing Message
Direct mail advertising works. In fact, it provides a personal way to reach your customers…and it can be used alone or as a complement to your digital and content marketing initiatives.
There are many types of direct mail, and each offers unique advantages and requires specific considerations concerning the intended function of your piece and, of course, your budget. Whatever type you choose, one thing is certain: produced right, direct mail is cost-effective for getting your message out. Plus, if you’re a mid-sized or large company and haven’t worked with an agency before, it’s a great way to dip your toe in the marketing waters.
Direct mail enables you to effectively get your message out in a limited amount of space, with minimum content, and aligned with your budget considerations. Plus, its high level of personalization allows for targeted mailings to your various market segments. You can swap out copy and images and still meet your desired price point.
Postcards: Super effective
From a price standpoint, postcards are the most effective way to broadcast your message. Logistically, you can get a lot of cards out of a production sheet, and you’ve got lots of size choices: 41/4 x 6, 5 x 7, 6 x 9, 6 x 11, and 81/2 x 11. Choosing anyone of these sizes does not change your postage cost which for a postcard can be up to 65 percent of your printing and mailing costs.
At Ballantine, we typically recommend 6 x 11. You’ll get more bang for your buck with this size. There’s enough room to prioritize your content and plenty of white space to ensure content integrity and visual appeal. Your postcard cannot be cluttered!
A postcard must include:
Customers like a good deal and must understand your offer immediately
Clarity matters
Call to action
You want customers to take a desired action. Make it direct and clear.
You don’t have to showcase all your offerings which makes postcards a perfect fit for returning customers.
More types of direct mail offerings
Self-mailers also make for effective and attractive direct mail marketing pieces. Direct mail adhesives become a factor relative to the design and function of your mailer. We can help guide you on the enclosure type which includes fugitive glue, wafer seals, latex gum, remoist glue and peel and seal.
As with postcards, specifics matter for pricing: paper quality, mailing list size, choice of adhesive and postal regulations. Postal regulations are very important when looking at a folded self-mailer and the way that the piece is sealed. There are size and placement concerns to consider. Therefore, working with a trusted resource is paramount. Mistakes could be very costly.
Direct mail is a terrific option for reaching your prospects and customers with a classy look and clear message. Ballantine can help you get the job done – we’ve been printing since 1966. Call us and let’s talk through your direct mail needs.