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How to Capture the 5 Senses With Direct Mail [Infographic]

How to Capture the 5 Senses With Direct Mail Marketing [Infographic]

Direct mail provides brands with a perfect means of reaching customers through personal, appealing advertisements. Seventy-seven percent of people still sort through the mail they receive at home and 98 percent of Americans check their mail every day. In other words, direct mail provides you with a consistent means of reaching your target audience and […]

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Exploring the Big Advantages of Online Driven Direct Mail

Exploring the Big Advantages of Online Driven Direct Mail

In recent years, there has been some controversy as to whether or not direct mail remains a viable and effective means of marketing—especially in today’s digital age. However, study after study has shown that direct mail is extremely effective when it’s utilized properly. Even more recently, a blend between digital marketing and print marketing has […]

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The Importance of Developing Marketing Personas

The Importance of Developing Marketing Personas

What if you could make your website 2-5 times more effective and easier for your customers to use? When you start with marketing personas, you can accomplish just that. When it comes to successful marketing, personalization is key. Customers want to know that you care about their needs and issues. They want to see material […]

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emotional marketing

Guide to Using Emotional Triggers in Your Marketing Copy

Believe it or not, studies have shown that in advertising, it’s more effective to appeal to the emotions than to logic. Specifically, 31% of advertisers report achieving significant gains in profit with emotionally targeted campaigns, as compared to just 16% with rational copy. in other words, if you’re not already using emotional triggers in your […]

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Using Neuromarketing to Improve Your Fundraising Results

Using Neuromarketing to Improve Your Fundraising Results

There are more than 1.5 million tax exempt nonprofit organizations in the United States. When it comes to fundraising, nonprofits must compete with all these other organizations, all vying for customer attention and donations. What if nonprofits could tap into a secret language that lets them engage better with prospects, speaking directly to their motivations […]

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5 Typography Trends of 2017

5 Typography Trends of 2017 [Infographic]

Words are powerful. What you say — and how you say it — can completely change the meaning of your message. In the design world, we take this idea one step further. After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words, it only makes sense that words themselves create pictures that captivate their audiences […]

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The Complete Guide to Direct Mail Adhesives

The Complete Guide to Direct Mail Adhesives

Given that customers still report that they find direct mail more personal than the internet, the value of direct mail is not likely to decrease in the near future. As brands begin to plan their next direct mail campaign, they will also need to think about the types of direct mail adhesives they will use […]

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Insurance Direct Mail Marketing

4 Direct Marketing Tips to Drive Insurance Sales

A survey that looked at the neurological response to marketing found that direct mail requires 21 percent less cognitive effort than other forms of marketing. This means that messages are absorbed faster and require less effort from recipients, making them a highly efficient means of engaging prospects. Brand recall is also as much as 70 […]

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